Code of conduct
Code of Conduct
- I will adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times. I will never condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the diamond, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship.
- I will, during the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, avoid behaviour which bring the Palmerston Marlins or the sport of softball into disrepute.
- I will play and compete for my own enjoyment, as well as for my team.
- I will not engage in any activity or behaviour which interferes with a competition or with any player or team’s preparation for a competition, or which endangers the safety of others.
- I will strive to have fun, make friends, improve my skills and play safely.
- I will at all times adhere to the Palmerston Marlins operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing Palmerston Marlins events and activities.
- I will learn, understand and respect the rules of the game.
- I will respect the rights and consider the safety of other players, coaches, trainers, officials, administrators, volunteers and parents.
- During the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, I will avoid the use of non-medical drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
- I will refrain from comments or behaviour, which is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. I will not engage in behaviour which constitutes harassment or abuse. I understand that this behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the PWSA Policy Relating to Member Conduct.
- I will adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times. I will never condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the diamond, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship.
- I will, during the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, avoid behaviour which bring the Palmerston Marlins or the sport of softball into disrepute.
- I will communicate with players, parents, officials, trainers, volunteers, and administrators honestly, generously, fairly, and with integrity.
- I will at all times adhere to the Palmerston Marlins operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing Palmerston Marlins events and activities.
- I will set attainable goals for the team and individual players while encouraging safety and fun for everyone.
- I will not engage in any activity or behaviour which interferes with a competition or with any player or team’s preparation for a competition, or which endangers the safety of others.
- I will lead by example, and respect the rules of the game.
- I will work continuously to learn more about the game and to improve my coaching skills.
- During the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, I will avoid the exposure to and the use of alcohol by players.
- I will pay attention to and consider changing social, family, and economic environments that may influence the attitudes and behaviour of players.
- I will refrain from comments or behaviour, which is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, I will not engage in behaviour which constitutes harassment or abuse. I understand that this behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the PWSA Policy Relating to Member Conduct.
(b) COACHES – As part of the 2001 and later seasons all coaches in Palmerston Marlins Ladies Softball Association (PMLSA) are required to undergo a police criminal reference check. These results will be reviewed by the President and Secretary and all the records will be shredded. A report of confidence will be made at the next monthly meeting, by the secretary, and recorded in the minutes. Coaches not reaching the requirements may not be associated in anyway the PMLSA. If a fee is incurred for the said criminal reference check the Palmerston Marlins will reimburse the approved coach. All new coaches must submit their reference check by April 15th or they will not be permitted on the field or bench with the team. The organisation could request subsequent reference checks at any time. The Palmerston Marlin Ladies Softball Association will abide by all PWSA, Softball Canada and the League pertinent to the team rules.
- I will adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times. I will never condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the diamond, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship.
- I will, during the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, avoid behaviour which bring the Palmerston Marlins or the sport of softball into disrepute.
- I will at all times adhere to the Palmerston Marlins operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing Palmerston Marlins events and activities.
- I will do my best to protect players. Their safety is my primary concern. I will encourage good nutrition and physical fitness for all players.
- I will not engage in any activity or behaviour which interferes with a competition or with any player or team’s preparation fore competition, or which endangers the safety of others.
- I will strive to provide the highest standard of training appropriate to players’ ages, strength, and skills, and will seek medical advice whenever necessary.
- I will refrain from comments or behaviour, which is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, I will not engage in behaviour which constitutes harassment or abuse. I understand that this behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the PWSA Policy Relating to Member Conduct.
- During the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, I will avoid the exposure to and the use of alcohol by players.
- I will work to improve my skills as required.
- I will adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times. I will never condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the diamond, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship.
- I will, during the course of all Palmerston Marlin activities and events, avoid behaviour which bring the Palmerston Martins or the sport of softball into disrepute.
- I will at all times adhere to the Palmerston Marlins operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing Palmerston Marlins events and activities.
- I will learn, understand, and respect the rules of the game, treating everyone fairly and generously with honesty and integrity.
- I will not engage in any activity or behaviour which interferes with a competition or with any player or team’s preparation for a competition, or which endangers the safety of others.
- I will encourage players to have fun, make friends, improve their skills, play safely and respect the safety of others.
- I will refrain from comments or behaviour, which is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, I will not engage in behaviour which constitutes harassment or abuse. I understand that this behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the PWSA Policy Relating to Member Conduct.
- During the course of all Palmerston Marlins activities and events, I will avoid the exposure to and the use of alcohol by players.
- I will take the appropriate action when necessary to protect or enhance the safety of players, trainers, officials, parents, and volunteers or administrators.
DEFINITIONS – The following terms have these meanings in this Policy: “Social media” – The catch-all term that is applied broadly to computer-mediated communication media such as blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter, SnapChat, BeReal, etc. “Member”- All categories of membership defined in the PWSA By-Laws, as well as all individuals employed by or engaged in activities with the PWSA, Softball Ontario and Softball Canada including, but not limited to, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, team managers, team captains, medical and paramedical personnel, administrators and employees.
“Case Manager” – The person or organization appointed by the PWSA to oversee management and administration of complaints.
PREAMBLE – The PWSA is aware that Member interaction and communication occurs frequently on Social Media. The PWSA cautions Members that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within the PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct.
APPLICATION- This Policy applies to all Members as defined in the Definitions.
CONDUCT AND BEHAVIOUR – Per the PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct, the following Social Media conduct may be considered minor or major infractions at the discretion of the Case Manager: Posting a disrespectful, hateful, insulting, or otherwise negative comment on social media that is directed at Members or at other persons connected with the PWSA, Softball Ontario, Softball Canada and/or other National Federations, the International Softball Federation and related events. Posting a disparaging or harmful comment on social media that is directed at the PWSA, Softball Ontario, Softball Canada and/or other National Federations, the International Softball Federation and related events. Creating or contributing to social media devoted solely or in part to promoting negative or disparaging remarks or commentary about the PWSA, Softball Ontario, Softball Canada or its reputation and other National Federations, the World Baseball Softball Confederation and related events. Posting a picture, altered picture, or video on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, or other social medium that is harmful, disrespectful, insulting, or otherwise offensive, and that is directed at Members or at other persons connected with the PWSA, Softball Ontario, Softball Canada or its reputation and other National Federations, the World Baseball Softball Confederation and related events. Any instance of cyber-bullying or cyber-harassment between one Member and another Member (including a teammate, coach, opponent, volunteer, or official), where incidents of cyber-bullying and cyber-harassment can include but are not limited to the following conduct on any social medium, via text-message, or via email: regular insults, negative comments, vexatious behaviour, pranks or jokes, threats, posing as another person, spreading rumours or lies, or other harmful behaviour. Any instances of bringing the game of softball into disrepute. All conduct and behaviour occurring on social media may be subject to the PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct at the discretion of the Case Manager.
MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES – Members must be aware that their Social Media use may be monitored by the PWSA or by any Members’ Associations or local softball associations. When using social media, a member must model appropriate behaviour benefitting the Member’s status as a member of the PWSA. Removing content from social media after it has been posted (either publicly or privately) does not excuse the Member from being subject to the PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct. A member who believes that the Social Media use by another member is inappropriate or may violate one of the PWSA’s policies and procedures should report the matter to the PWSA in the manner outlined by the PWSA’s Policy Relating to Member Conduct.