Our Constitution
This organization shall be known as the PALMERSTON MARLINS LADIES SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION (PMLSA), hereinafter referred to as the Association.
The objects of the Association shall be:
To foster, encourage, promote and supervise Provincial Womens Softball Association (PWSA) level softball for girls in the divisions Mite through Junior under the rules presented by Softball Canada.
To encourage good sportsmanship, team play and good citizenship amongst the participants.
To offer good leadership and training by the volunteers, directors, officers and members who should bare in mind that the attainment of unusual athletic skill, of the winning of games is secondary to the prime purpose of providing a healthy competitive environment in which the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty and reverence will encourage the development of the participants into being better citizens.
All players, upon paid registration, will receive a copy of the Marlins Code of Conduct.
(i) The Executive officers of the Association shall consist of the following: Immediate Past President, President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpire Representive UIC,
(ii) The Board of Directors shall consist of the following positions. Each position has 1 vote: Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpire Representative UIC, 2 representatives (Directors) from each team, Fundraising Chairman, Diamond (scheduling) Chairman, Media Manager, Coach Committee Chairman, Protocol/Health & Safety Chairman.
A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 Directors per team to be appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Should the required number of Executive or Directors not be elected at the AGM, they may be appointed at a later date, by the Board.
Term of office to be a minimum of one (1) year and to run October 1 to September 30.
Officers elected at the AGM shall take office on the day following the AGM.
Have control of the affairs of the Association.
Have power to fill any vacancies that occur, or to increase the number of Directors at large.
Have power to discipline any team player, coach, manager or any other member of the Association who does not abide by the Constitution.
The IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT shall be the retiring President who shall serve in an advisory capacity and shall be entitled to cast one vote.
The PRESIDENT shall preside at all Executive Board, Board of Director, Emergency and General Meetings of the Association. He/She shall conduct the business of the Association in a proper manner required by the Constitution and in case of an equality of votes the President (or Chairperson) shall be entitled second or casting vote.
The VICE PRESIDENT will aid the President whenever possible and will be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, in the absence of the President he/she will assume all duties relating to the position. Either the President of the 1st Vice President must be in attendance at any meeting for the meeting to be a recorded meeting of the association.
The SECRETARY will keep accurate records of all meeting and such business dealing with the Association. The Secretary will be responsible for notifying all Executive officers and Directors of upcoming meeting. He/she will receive and reply to all correspondence pertaining to the business of the Association. He/she will keep on file a copy of the current registrations (as of June 1st) for all teams. The Secretary will be elected at the Annual Meeting and the out-going Secretary shall turn over all pertinent information and files within thirty (30) days to the incoming Secretary.
The TREASURER shall keep a correct account of all financial dealings of the Association with all funds received, to be deposited as directed, in the name of the Association. The Treasurer shall arrange to submit a Treasurer’s report at each executive meeting of the Association. The Treasurer shall pay all Association expenses by cheque. The Treasurer must sign all cheques from the general account, co-signed by the President, Vice President, or Secretary. Cheques must not be signed by two (2) members of the same family ( ie husband, wife, brother, sister, etc.) In case of this conflict the Treasurer must sign cheques and they must be co-signed by another member of the Executive. The Treasurer will turn over all financial material within thirty (30) days of the meeting to the incoming Treasurer.
The UMPIRE REPRESENTIVE shall be responsible for the organizing and administering the umpires. This will include all regular season games, play-off games, and tournaments organized by the Association. They shall be responsible for finding sufficient qualified umpires for the Association. They shall be responsible for the discipline of all umpires. This position is paid an honorarium of $50 per team, paid by the association at the beginning of the season.
TEAM DIRECTORS shall submit a full roster – copy of the PWSA registration form, for the current year as of June 1st, including the fees status of players, to the Secretary of the Association. They shall submit a complete financial statement for the year to the Treasurer by September 30th.
(a) WEB SITE / SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER- He/she will be responsible for managing the Web-site and all social media. He/she will be responsible for all advertising of the Association to the newspaper and appointing a team rep for radio reporting of scores.
1. GENERAL – This committee’s responsibility will be to conduct all fund raising events entered into by the Association. No team will be eligible to undertake any fund raising without prior consent of the Association. A financial statement must be submitted to the Executive at the last monthly meeting of that particular season.
2. LICENCED – The committee will be responsible for any licensed fund raising undertaken by the Association. Separate bank accounts must be set up in accordance with Lottery Licence Rules. The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping a set of books for the account, and all monies derived from these fund raisers must be turned over within (30) days from the conclusion of the event, and a financial report will be submitted to the Executive at each meeting until it’s conclusion. The Treasurer must sign all the cheques and they must be co-signed by the Fund Raising Chair or their designate.
(c) DIAMOND (scheduling) CHAIRPERSON – They will co-ordinate any extra maintenance of the diamonds ie signs. They will also arrange booking of the fields with the municipal staff and arrange home nights for teams and practice diamonds. This position is paid an honorarium of $50 per team, paid by the association at the beginning of the season.
(d)SCOREKEEPERS – It will be his/her responsibility to obtain official scorekeepers for tournaments as directed by the associations.
(e) COACH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – with a committee consisting of the President, Vice President be developed to review all letters of intent to coach or applications for the coaching positions. This committee will be responsible to determine positions available and assign head coaches. This committee will advertise if needed.
(a) A regular monthly Executive Meeting must be held during the year. In the event a member of the Executive is absent from (3) three successive regular monthly meetings (excluding work commitments or sickness) he/she shall cease to be a member and is to be automatically replaced at the discretion of the Executive. Any other Special Meetings may be called at any time by two (2) members of the Executive, but they must do so on approach to the President/Vice President. Regular monthly meeting are not open to the general membership. Individuals may be invited, to deal with isolated situations, upon notice to the Secretary.
(b) An Annual General Meeting (AGM)shall be called once per year during the Months of SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER at the call of the President. It shall be an open meeting with all registered members in attendance eligible to vote.
(c) The out-going Executive will receive at the last monthly meeting of the Executive prior to the AGM, a list of candidates who are willing to allow their names to stand for office in the Association. If for some reason they cannot attend the AGM their intentions shall be put in writing and handed to the Secretary. Further nominations may come from the floor.
Six (6) voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any Executive, General or AGM, so long as either the President or the Vice President is in attendance.
Notice of the AGM shall be done by the Secretary sending out an email invitation to each Team Manager and the Team Managers sending the invitation to each of their player’s families. The AGM date to be announced at the year-end banquet.
The Constitution cannot be amended or revised in any way other than by Notice of a Motion presented at an AGM, of which notification must be made in writing to the Secretary thirty (30) days in advance of the AGM.
Voting Privileges at the AGM shall be as follows:
– General Membership are those that are registered players within the Association and are of legal age. They have one (1) vote.
– A parent or guardian voting on behalf of their children who are legally underage who are players within the Association. One (1) vote per family regardless of how many children are players.
– An active coach volunteer or bench staff that has no children affiliated with any of the teams. They have one (1) vote.
Voting on Club Elections shall be by secret ballot and a simple majority shall elect a candidate. Voting on other matters may be by a show of hands.
The order of business at the AGM of the Association shall be as follows:
– Minutes of the preceding AGM
– Secretary’s Report
– Treasurer’s Report
– Team Reports with Financials
– Other Reports (tournaments, Umpire etc)
– Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
– Election of Board of Directors in the following order: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Umpire, 2 representatives (Directors) from each team, Equipment Manager, Fundraising Chairperson, Diamond (scheduling) Chairperson, Media Manager, Scorekeeper Chairperson.
1. Job description for Team Mangers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers will be according to the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
All Team Managers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers will be certified according to the PWSA rules.
For insurance purposes, no team within the PMLSA will be insured for any functions not approved by the Executive.
Coaches for Mite, Squirt, Novice, Bantam, Midget and Junior teams will be appointed/announced at the September meeting of each year.
Try-outs for the teams will take place as early in September as possible each year.
All players must fill out a Club registration form. Said form must be submitted to the Secretary of the Association, by the Team Manger, by April 15th.
Any team must obtain approval from the Executive for any practice, fundraiser, clinic etc. that they should want to entertain during the period from September 1st of the current year to May 1st of the following year.
Minimum one (1) person, maximum two (2), be it a Coach or Parent Representative, from each team must be elected or appointed to the Executive at the AGM.
COACHES – As of the 2001 season all coaches in PMLSA are required to undergo a police criminal reference check. These results will be reviewed by the President and Secretary and the all records will be shredded. A report of confidence will be made at the next monthly meeting, by the Secretary, and recorded in the minutes. Coaches not reaching the requirements may not be associated in anyway the PMLSA. If a fee is incurred for the said criminal reference check the Marlins will reimburse the approved coach. All new coaches must submit their reference check by April 15th or they will not be permitted on the field or bench with the team. The organization could request subsequent reference checks at any time.
The PALMERSTON MARLINS LADIES SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION will abide by all PWSA, Softball Canada and the League pertinent to the team, rules.